
The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a breathing pattern developed by Dr. Andrew. When practiced regularly, it’s possible that this technique could help some people fall asleep in a shorter period of time.

The exercise helps regulate the hormone cortisol, which controls your fight or flight response. This is important because too much cortisol being released in your body too often can have negative long-term health effects.

How do you practice?

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down. If you can, close your eyes.
  2. Slowly inhale through your nose for 4sec.
  3. Retain for 7sec.
  4. Slowly exhale for 8sec.
  5. Use your diaphragm while breathing.
  6. Focusing your mind entirely on your breathing.

What are the benefits?

Use the 4-7-8 breathing technique to decrease anxiety, sleep better, manage food cravings and control emotional responses like anger.

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