Full Yogic Breath

Full yogic breathing is a deep breathing pranayama practice with a number of profound benefits.

How do you practice?

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down. If you can, close your eyes.
  2. Slowly inhale through the nose for 8sec.
  3. Retain for 4sec.
  4. Slowly exhale for 8sec.
  5. Sustain for 2sec.
  6. Use your diaphragm while breathing.
  7. Focusing your mind entirely on your breathing.

What are the benefits?

It benefits the vital organs, which can easily become stagnant, constricted, or fraught with emotional and physical tension when we experience stress. Full Yogic Breath relieves stress, refreshes the mind, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system, encouraging a calmer, more balanced state of being overall. It also helps to correct unhealthy breathing patterns.

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