
There are two functions that support the flow of the lymphatic system: skeletal muscle motion and deep breathing. While skeletal muscle motion is considered a major pump for the lymphatic system, deep breathing is equally important. Or even more important.

How do you practice?

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down. If you can, close your eyes.
  2. Inhale through your nose for 2sec.
  3. Retain for 8sec.
  4. Exhale all the air from the lungs for 4sec.
  5. Use your diaphragm while breathing.
  6. Focusing your mind entirely on your breathing.

What are the benefits?

Deep breathing and the Lymphatic System work in unity since long and slow breathing effectively promotes lymph flow. Deep breathing also especially assists those with lipedema and lymphedema. It helps eliminate toxins, improves metabolism, assists the intestinal lymph nodes to absorb fat, and also boosts the body’s immune system.

Deep breathing promotes health and healing because it helps to reduce lymphatic stasis.

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